Lake Atitlan Guatemala Rainy Season
Lake Atitlan Guatemala Rainy Season. Locals around Lake Atitlan are busy preparing fields in anticipation of the Guatemala Rainy Season rainy season. Travelers and Tourists visiting Guatemala appear to avoid this time of year. Tropical Storms in the Pacific announce Guatemala’s Rainy season bringing afternoon and evening rains to the Highlands of Guatemala.

Guatemala Rainy Season
For Grow Your Own Cure this is a welcome time of year for growing herbs used for Medicine. You can water your herbs, however nothing makes Herbs take off and grow in this region of Guatemala like an afternoon rain. Over the last 2 weeks Lake Atitlan has had over 2 inches of fresh nurturing rainfall. Our herb gardens and growers welcome this time of year.
Rainy Season as it is called around Lake Atitlan is also the beginning of Hurricane Season, which as for Guatemala a claimed starting date of June 1st each year. We survived Tropical Storm Agatha in 2010. Lets hope we miss this kind of event in 2015.
While herbs for medicine grow year around in the Guatemala, rainy season and the nutrients that fall on our fields from the sky produce pungent and aromatic herbs. During the dry season herbs still offer great aroma, however lack the kick we find with herbs harvested through rainy season.
Tourism has become one of the main drivers of the economy, with tourism worth $1.8 billion to the economy in 2008. Guatemala received about two million tourists annually. In recent years an increased number of cruise ships have visited Guatemalan seaports, leading to more tourists visiting the country.
In its territory there are fascinating Mayan archaeological sites (Tikal in the Peten, Quiriguá in Izabal, Iximche in Tecpan Chimaltenango and Guatemala City). As natural beauty destinations is Lake Atitlan and Semuc Champey. As historical tourism is the colonial city of Antigua Guatemala, which is recognized by UNESCO Cultural Heritage.